Android Facebook application has an access to the telephone calls of the users. The information about it was publicized due to the scandal concerning serious confidence violation. Web developer from New Zeeland Dilan Mackey was the first who discovered another mistake of the company. He downloaded an archive of his activity and discovered that FaceBook collected the information about incoming and out coming calls.

At the same time the company informed the users allow capturing their activity while installing the application. Besides, the app has an access to the browser history.

FaceBook not only collects data about the customers, but also analyses their massages and buys information in different info-brokers. To justify themselves they say they use it to provide users with individual content.

However, you may delete the information whenever you want. To do it you have to click on the link at the button of ‘Settings’, make an archive of data, open zip file and a ‘html’ folder. There, click ‘contact info’ where all your calls are stored. Then you can delete it.

Last week Marc Zuckerberg was criticized because of information that personal data was used for Trump’s pre-election campaign and Brexit issue. That sparked great public outcry.