The most interesting news – 15 February
There was a shooting near headquarter of National Security Agency of the USA. The incident happened not far from Washington DC. Agency confirmed one person was wounded. He was taken to the hospital. Social Media informs the security workers could open fire on the car that moved towards the check-point. However, there is still no information about the driver.
Russian company that produces Kalashnivov’s automatons suffered incredible losses in the wake of sanctions. It has lost 90% of world market. The situation will not change in 5-7 years, they forecast. A decrease in the exchange rate of the national currency negatively affected the company’s production activities. After all, the prominent part of components comes from abroad.
NATO increases the number of structures. The Defensive Ministries of NATO countries adopted a decision to create new commanding structures – one for logistics support, another for military mobility. The structures are needed to protect the sea lines between the US and Europe. The final decision about the location of new structures will be made in June.
Russian militants from Vagner company died in the result of an explosion in the weapons storage base. 23 people died because of the incident, 5 of them are the Russian. Observers suppose the militants were trying to get to the weapons, but became the explosion’s victims.
17 people died in a American school. Lots of others were wounded. The incident happened in Parkland, Florida. When teachers and students heard the shots, they thought it was a joke, but after that they realized it wasn’t. They started hiding. The police and emergency arrived and the perpetrator was detained. It was 19-years old Nicolas Kruz, former student of the school, who was excluded. The horror lasted for some hours. Helicopters and additional police powers were involved. The President of the US Donald Trump expressed his compassion to the families of victims.
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