They plan to earn $50 000 for Steve Job’s CV from 1973.  In March it will be on auction in Boston.

Jobs filled in the questionnaire three years before he set up the company that made him a millionaire. The paper is of one page with mistakes and it shows Jobs’ admiration of technologies. He listed his special skills as electronic technician and engineer and ticked ‘✓’ in computer skills column.

It is still unknown why did he filled the form and whether he got that job.

He died from cancer in 2011. The auction starts on 8 March and finishes on 15 March.

There also will be billionaire’s personal stuff on the auction: a copybook with technical Mac OS X managing with his signature priced $25 000 and signed newspaper’s page with Jobs’ photo and a headline ‘New, faster iPhone will be sold for $99’. The price of the unique page is $15 000.